With all the modding I’ve been doing, I find that I have to pull the seat off a lot. (Actually, it’s probably because I create a lot of short circuits, but I digress.)

British Customs vs Home Depot hardware for a Triumph Bonneville T100 motorcycle. Bonnie Café.
British Customs vs Home Depot hardware for a Triumph Bonneville T100 motorcycle. $2.20 vs $30 – 1364% markup. Bonnie Café.

Anyway, I have to pull the seat off a lot. The stock Triumph way is bullocks. Very cumbersome. After a few times, I went and purchased the British Customs “Quick Release” seat bolts (read the install here). They worked great and allowed me to pull off the seat quickly. However, after the third use, I realized that one was missing. It had vibrated off. Okay, that was $15 down the hole. They cost $30 a pair. I was not happy of plopping down another $30 only to lose yet another one a week later.

Fast forward…

I was at Home Depot looking for a C-clamp when I stumbled upon their shelves of metric bolts. There was everything that you’d want. Long story short, I was able to replace the BC bolts for $2.20. I used a 6x90mm bolt (with 5mm allen socket head), lock washer, and tension nut for each side. Perhaps not as elegant to some, but I actually dig them. They’re much more slender (not chunky/clunky like the BCs) and have a definite steam-punk vibe.


I likes, they look cooler. Best yet, they save you major money. Seriously, the British Customs bolts are marked up some 1300%. That’s one crazy markup. As such, I can keep a couple of the Home Depot pieces in my emergency kit as spares. I doubt that I’ll need them, however. Using the lock washers seems to keep them in place.

Using Home Depot hardware in place of British Customs hardware. It saves $25 and I think it looks cooler. Bonnie Café.
Using Home Depot hardware in place of British Customs hardware. It saves $25 and I think it looks cooler. Bonnie Café.

Hope this helps. Let me know if it does.

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